0.9 — Read, Watch, Listen


What does climate change actually mean? The communication about what is happening to our climate has been lost in translation. I always wonder who are these people talking to, because it certainly isn’t the average person (my article about accessibility and words addresses this). This video is brilliant not only by breaking down the understanding of what is going on but it’s so funny.

Dialogue and Exchange — as someone who believes in the importance of conversations. I often say that one thing we don’t ever learn how to do is have conversations, how to learn to understand each other. There is too much of needing to be ‘right’ and instead, each of us is ‘right’ because of our own experiences. Once we understand where people are coming from (the why of beliefs and observations) then acceptance is much easier.

Tears..are they of joy, sadness or appreciation? Have a read of this.

What I have written.
Last week I wrote about waste and the bigger picture about environmental action and accessibility.



Behind The Hype.

Sharing my thoughts without seeking conclusions. Environment. Work. Business. Human behaviour. Always starting with a first draft.