0.7 — Read, Watch, Listen

Behind The Hype.
1 min readSep 24, 2020


The coffee industry is getting hit from all sides: pandemic, pricing, and the environment.

Dolly Parton’s America — because she is one of the best role models.

Two articles about coffee to read hand in hand — on commodity pricing and sustainability in the coffee industry.

What I’ve found.
Have you ever thought about accessibility? I do, all the time. I’m acutely aware that many people don’t have the same access that I have, not only regarding physical but also mental, financial and so on. I can see websites (yes that is right, have you ever thought about it?), I can use apps, I can travel easily. But there are so many people who can’t and yet these people are often forgotten about. Accessibility is about participation and if we leave out people to participate in society, we don’t create a healthy society. Check out this website — Trip in the Dark.



Behind The Hype.

Sharing my thoughts without seeking conclusions. Environment. Work. Business. Human behaviour. Always starting with a first draft.